Friday, December 30, 2011

What's in? Shoes, bags, and more!

Sorry my fellow blog readers but here is this week's post!

Check out these shoes! they would look so adorable and chic with a pair of jeans and a nice shirt! cute date night shoes.

 I love the pink detail! you can find them here. Kate spade heels $298

I see a lot of girls carrying this purse around lately. I don't think it's that cute but do you guys like it?

 These bags are really cute. You can take it to school, work, or use it as a purse. 

The neon looks stylish. you can get a matching bag with your boy friend ;-)

Classic jackets that everyone should own (if you can afford it.)

The Barbour beadnell jacket
Burberry Brit fitted quilted jacket

The Parka seems to be in right now.

 You can find one here

Fur vest!! I'm not sure if I would wear one because I don't feel comfortable wearing the real ones (bit creepy) and the fake furs look too corny?
The real thing. Coyote! ahh oooooohh!
 Faux Vest

one is $59 and the other is $897. I'm sure you can guess which one is which. haha

Well good night!! and sorry for the late post!

Friday, December 23, 2011

DIY Christmas cards and party favors!

I'm back! yes drum rollllllllll. So from now on I will be updating this blog every Thursday night!

It is my best friend's birthday party this weekend and I decided to make some party favors! We are eating at a restaurant(pretty late) and heading to a bar afterwards so I bought a pack of tiny Smirnoff bottles in different flavors and tried this...
 I cut a rectangular piece of tissue paper vertically into 4 equal pieces then folded it in that shape then pulled the paper up and rolled it.. and I did that with the green first and then the red.

 And 5 minutes after Y & I discuss how Yuna is so smart and doesn't touch things she's not supposed to...
It was too tempting.. haha

I also make Christmas cards every year. Last year, I had 20+ people on my list and got overwhelmed/lazy and ended up making two.. After Christmas shopping and planning my Christmas party I was pretty tired.
Here's one from last year
It's a pop-up angel!

This year... I will attempt to make 2 a day.. making cards is a tedious process and takes a lot of time and energy. I made one tonight and decided it was enough.
I plan to write Merry Christmas in the red box.

 Pens, ribbons, glitter, paper punchers, and card papers.

Something funny from a fellow blogger( happy monsters tumblr).

I think I did this all throughout college...  I eventually accepted myself for who I was and didn't even try to do anything on Friday or Saturday. I would just calmly tell myself "The Time has come.." Monday 4am..

Another blogger Gemma Correll does drawings and they are so cute and funny

So... breaking news.. I cut my hair into a bob.. it is long in the front and short in the back..
The length in the back is about the length of the shortest part of my hair in the front. AND my hair is purplish reddish brown... I went in for a trim and I'm not sure how I left with this hair. I promised my hair dresser that I would cut my hair really short for 3 years, so I think I felt like it was about time..

Yes,  gather yourselves, people... You and I will get used to this.. hopefully.

and.. I think your parenting style becomes obvious when you have a puppy. When Yuna tries to climb on the bed Yusuke gently lifts her arms up and puts her down and says "Yuna, go down.. go down.. no.." When I see Yuna walking into the kitchen I GROAR " OUT NOW!!!!" really loud and stomp my feet. and she runs away. So yes.. I am definitely the strict mommy and he is the nice daddy.

So, tomorrow I need to plan my Christmas party. I bought a holiday cook book from B&N so I will go through the book, pick out about 5-6 dishes, make a grocery list, go grocery shopping, clean, plan etc.  and I will get yelled at this year once again from the boys about a cock fest.

Well, hope you enjoyed this post and have a good night/day!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Gingerbread houses and more glitter!

I made a list to put you in the  Christmas Spirit!  Don't be a Grinch and smile :-)

1. Have you guys made a gingerbread house before? It's pretty fun! They sell kits that include everything you need in it so you should try it with friends and family! I found one at target for $9. They had the "mini village kit" this year, so we decided to try it.

 There was one more house, but with a little man induced earth quake it fell down.

2. Glittery things! I didn't know there were glitter uggs! haha check em' out
So, I think us adults might look a little ridonkulous in these...

3. Socks!  My feet get very cold in the winter so I love buying cute socks to wear around the house! 

Those socks and cute little shorts will make your loved ones' head turn and O_o; haha

$5 at Target :-)

4. Seasonal drinks at Starbucks!
They have Caramel BrulĂ©e Latte, peppermint mocha, and gingerbread latte. I tried the Caramel Brulee and it was amazing. Kinda addicted actually. 

5. A new hair cut! I think women should change their hairstyles a bit during the summer and winter. 
I would love to have hair like Audrey Toutou. She is beautiful and quirky. 

If I can somehow leave my hair alone to grow.. and not cut it.. this is where it is heading..  I tried the center part a while ago, and at first I felt pretty awkward so I went back to the 2/3 part. but one morning I woke up and my hair was parted in the middle... it was like a sign from God.. haha jk so ever since my hair is usually parted in the middle.

 6. A new pet!! no no I just said that so I could squeeze my own little update.
I went to the shelter today to find a cat. and I think I'm a dog person.. because I only saw cute dogs and kinda saw the cats haha. Isn't she cute? she is a little terrier, 9 months old, and looks pretty enough to be Helo's sister? She looks like Helo, so she won't thinks she's the "adopted child" when she gets older.

I'm going to a ranch owned by an elderly couple that rescues cats tomorrow! so I'll let you guys know how that goes..

well... I will end the night with this sweet quote. Another blogger, posted this quote today for her anniversary to her husband of 11 years and I think it is very true and wise.

Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are.

Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. 


Louis De Bernieres

Good night my ladies and have a good weekend! I won't be blogging until Monday comes!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Polaroid and plastic cameras!

Did you know that Lomography makes instant cameras too? I didn't know that. The only one I knew of was the fuji camera.
The Fuji instant is a bit pricey at $130... Don't you miss the old regular polaroids you could just pick up at Target and Walmart?  When I heard the Polaroid company was closing down, I called every camera store in town to grab the last instant cameras!! and I only found two polaroid one600 pros. I was able to buy them for about 20 dollars. a nice steal :-) then in my hazed, frantic mind I drove around town like a mad woman and tried to grab all the film that was left. I only found about 5 single packs at different Targets for $15 bucks. Well.... the cameras are now worth $300 each and the single pack films are selling for $59 on amazon. WTF???!!!  I forgot to mention that after all that craziness, I dropped in at Urban Outfitters and found a whole stash they had saved and were selling. Although I was happy, I had a major " I thought I was special for saving the film, and these bitches have a bunch here, damn it?" 

So, on a tangent here, I was able to take my heavy polaroid camera to Paris and New York and take wonderful pictures! In Paris, I had to lie down on my back in the middle of a side walk to fit the entire Eiffel tower in the picture. yes, some weird looks my way.. and I got some great shots in China town in New York. Let me see if I can find some... 

That's NYC and damn, can't find the Paris ones.. So guess you will have to wait and see tomorrow! ;-)

Okay. Let me get back to the lomography thing.

So if you already own the Diana then you can just buy the "Diana instant back" and attach it to the back of the camera and create instant photos with the Diana look to it! awesome huh?

And it uses the same film the Fuji instant does.  
Here are some instant photos I found on the net

Dog: What the fuck you lookin at?

Dog: I'm graceful as shit, and frankly.. I don't care what you think.
 Excuse my caption...

I personally, own the Agfa Clack.  They were manufactured in the 1950's in Germany during the economic boom after World War II, when it was a big mess and the allies decided to help them rebuild their economy. The older ones have metal bodies while the ones made in the 60's have plastic bodies. 
It takes regular 120mm film you can just pick up at the camera store. I had to try out different film, color, black and white, and various speeds. I just used the high speed with low light settings. I got to process the black and white film at home (My brother in law who is also a photographer demonstrated how easy it was) and got the color processed at a store then scanned the film at home.  Christopher preaches and moans and bitches about digital... He thinks it is a shame how photographers turned digital and the quality of pictures went bye bye. the bad way. I agree. Film is able to capture the colors much better, richer. 

Anyway, my first try at color with the clack was not so good. Light some how seeped in and exposed the film! meow :-(  like this..  Well, the quality is actually a little better than seen here, I had to lower the quality because the file size was too big. You can see it at the top right.. 

 I'm too shy to upload my favorite one... haha
So, here are some black and white photos with the clack. Much better! check out the crispness of the pictures and consider the age of this camera. pretty neat eh?
So that's it for today! I went to the lomography gallery store that opened in Austin today and too bad I didn't take a camera! was thinking about my blog readers and how I could have taken pictures and shared.  it was pretty cool.  On a side note, on my drive to my sister's house I saw my ex-boyfriend and I was happy to find myself being able to smile at such a typical scene. I'm starting to wonder if my friends are right about him... about the whole Asian fetish thing.. well, I saw him with an Asian girl on the back of his motorcycle with his red helmet on holding on to him, in the rain. hahahaha that used to be me! wait till the crazy comes out. jk jk. I'm just happy that I'm happy. That's a big deal for me. 

Good night my loves!